Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spiritual War

This is one I wrote several years back.

Spiritual War

The cold iron grip
Of pain’s embrace
Takes its toll on my life
It wears on my face

I push though the hurt
Only to find even more
The darkness envelops
This inner spiritual war

The demons, they cause me
To stumble and fall
But I get up and fight on
And push through it all

Battle rages between Satan
And God the father, my Lord
As I draw out my weapon
My Bible, my Sword

Enemies throw fiery darts
And shoot arrows of hate
But I block them with ease
With my shield of Faith

And now I advance
With Sword in my hand
As the enemy tries
To make one final stand

But they'll fall to my blade
And this battle will pass
Into the Lake of Fire
Will the demons be cast

The Fallen One has fled
But the war is not won
Until to Earth He returns
Christ my Lord, the Son

My life will go on
Till that final day arrives
The day that my Lord
Reaches down from the skies

But what’s this I hear
I've expected that sound
The angels cry out
The heavens resound

Christ Jesus is coming
To take away his own
I cry out in joy
I’m finally going home

But that means one more thing
One final Great War
In one-thousand years
Battle cries will soar

But today there is peace
In the realm of the Lord
We think not of battles
Nor prepare we for war

Now for one-thousand years
Peace and worship have ruled
But it draws ever nearer
That final spiritual duel

When suddenly, vibrations
In the ground and the air
The Great War has come
Our warriors prepare

The heavens now quaking
With warriors cries
Satan’s minions will fall
And no longer darken the skies

For days battle rages
And victory draws nearer
His minions falling quickly
Satan cowers in fear

Now comes a white rider
With eyes all aglow
Satan crumbles before Him
Hewn down by His sword

Into a lake of fire
The Deceiver is cast
For an unmeasurable time
Will his punishment last

God in Heaven will reign
Forever the Lord
For it’s finally over
This great Spiritual War

Beneath a Sky of Black

Beneath the sky of black
A fragile mortal stands
Weary, alone, and frightened
His gaze glides o’er the sands

Time has lost its’ meaning
His life has lost its’ way
He battles with emotion
But emotion has its way

His eyes stream crystal waters
As a sob escapes his throat
His sadness overwhelms him
On another sob he chokes

Alone among a thousand
With his tortured dreams this night
So many all surround him
But none will ease his plight

With fear inside his heart
And hatred on his mind
He screams at God for answers
But answers doesn’t find

For desires of flesh are what he wants
Forgiveness what he needs
But mortal doesn’t know this
And on his sin he feeds

This mortal once was strong
A force with which to be reckoned
In control he thought he was
But then his demons beckoned

He attempted to appease them
And so offered them a token
But beneath that sky of black
This mortal then was broken